Inflammation of the prostate today leads in the group of male diseases that are mainly transmitted through sexual contact. Its complications threaten infertility, decreased libido, impotence.
The first symptoms of prostatitis in men
Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease. It is one of the most common urological pathologies diagnosed in the strong half of humanity.
Most often, this anomaly is manifested in men over the age of thirty, although recently the disease has become much younger. Treatment of prostatitis should be carried out by qualified specialists (urologists or andrologists), as there is a high probability of developing various complications.

How is prostatitis treated?
With the help of drugs
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - relieves inflammation, fever and chills. They have a slight analgesic effect. In order to maintain the normal state of the gland at the onset of prostatitis, short-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and taking vitamins is necessary. Prescribed in men: Diclofenac, Nise, Voltaren, Nimesulide. Preparations are produced in suppositories, tablets, injections.
- Antibiotics - Designed to eliminate the infectious or bacteriological factor of inflammation. The prostatitis treatment regimen is signed after the pathogen has been identified and its resistance to antibiotics has been tested. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. In severe cases, therapy will last up to two weeks.
- Hormones are recommended if the usual course of medication was not beneficial, as well as in case of decreased sexual desire due to prolonged illness. Hormone treatment is prohibited at an early stage. The drugs are taken under the strict supervision of a urologist.
- Symptomatic drugs - Take aspirin tablets to relieve pain syndrome. No-shpa removes spasms. Novocaine blockade has been shown during persistent severe pain.
- Vitamins and medications to maintain prostate function. During remission it is recommended to take medication to normalize metabolism and improve blood supply to glandular tissues and to produce juice. Phytopreparations are prescribed for this: prostamol-uno, prostate-forte and others. A complex of vitamins and minerals has been shown to strengthen the immune system: Duovit, Vitrum.
Self-medication is dangerous, it does more harm than good. You need to consult a urologist before taking any of these medications.
Using physiotherapy
- UHF and microwave.
- Magnetotherapy.
- Cure mud.
- Galvanization.
- Ultraphonophoresis.
- Laser treatment.
- Heat therapy.
Natural remedies
To start the treatment of prostate inflammation in time, you need to contact a competent specialist who will conduct a comprehensive examination and make a correct diagnosis. The list of recommended diagnostic methods includes the following:
- Blood tests - test the biochemical composition, PSA (prostate specific antigen) content, general analysis and, if necessary, PCR.
- Urine analysis - Men are asked to urinate in several different containers to conduct the test in different ways.
- Rubbing from the surface of the urethral canal to detect an infectious pathogen.
- Bacteriological culture of prostate secretion and urethral secretion to determine its resistance to bacterial pathogen and drugs.
- Prostate ultrasound - allows you to assess the size and shape of the gland, the presence or absence of tissue fusion, adhesions and scarring.

A mandatory point for the diagnosis of prostatitis is a digital rectal examination. Examination of the finger allows the physician to feel the gland and assess its density, structure, shape, and size. They also take a prostate secretion during a rectal examination, which is then sent for analysis. Additional examination methods are assigned to a particular patient individually if indicated.
These can be urine flow velocity measurements, magnetic resonance or computed tomography, pelvic organ x-rays, and other methods.
Acute prostatitis
The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature (up to 40 degrees), a painful headache, fever. Symptoms include pain in the esophagus, perineum, spinal cord, discharge from the urethra, frequent urination, and a persistent urge to urinate.
Emptying the bladder occurs with a delay, burning sensation. The urine itself becomes cloudy and a mixture of blood may appear in it. There is irritability, fatigue.
Acute prostatitis can result in complete removal of the process (with timely treatment). Since changes occur in many organs of the small pelvis, they can not be random, otherwise the corresponding complications will arise:
- Vesiculitis is an inflammation of the seminal vesicles, causing pus in the semen, which not only reduces the quality of the ejaculate but also causes a loss of reproductive function.
- Coliculitis - Inflammatory changes in the testicular tuberculosis cause the development of severe pain during sex, cessation of orgasm, impotence of a psychological nature.
- The formation of an abscess in the body of the prostate, its rupture, purulent lesions of the rectum leads to aggravation of symptoms, severe intoxication of the body, leading to death.
- Stagnation in the tissues of the prostate causes a change in their structure, disruption of innervation, blood supply to the gland itself, as well as to the surrounding organs, disrupting their functions. An erection occurs for insufficient full-fledged sexual intercourse, premature ejaculation is observed, prolonged sexual intercourse without the onset of orgasm.
- Cicatricial changes in the gland, in the spermatic cord, lead to infertility, impaired sperm quality, and sperm motility. Narrowing of the urethra interferes with the normal process of urination, bladder obstruction can lead to acute urinary retention, which requires urgent surgical help.
The main symptoms
As mentioned above, the disease can be chronic and acute. The most common and one of the most important symptoms is increased urination. A healthy man usually experiences no more than 10-11 urination needs per day (a normal rate is 5-6 urges).
The development of inflammation of the prostate has a negative impact on the bladder, so in the presence of the disease the following symptoms appear:
- An increase in the amount of demand (while the daily volume of urine remains the same).
- Urine is excreted in small portions, which is associated with the reception of false signals from the bladder receptors due to the presence of an inflammatory process. Also, therefore, there may be a feeling that the bladder is full even after emptying.
- Pain during urination caused by narrowing of the urethra due to the inflammatory process of the prostate.
- Difficulty urinating due to inflammatory compression of certain areas of the urethra. In some cases, men may not be able to empty their bladder at all because of this.
- At night the walls of the bladder begin to give false signals, which increases the number of trips to the toilet during sleep.

Part of the diagnosis of prostatitis can also be made by monitoring body temperature along with urinary problems. If these problems are accompanied by an increase in temperature to subfebrile and febrile values, then we can most likely talk about the development of pathology. It is important to note that in the later stages of the disease, on the contrary, a decrease in body temperature to 35, 5-36 degrees is observed, which is an extremely negative and dangerous symptom in any case, which should not be allowed.
In the middle stage of the disease, blood may be observed in the patient's urine. This sign is relatively rare and often not traceable, but is extremely dangerous. It can be detected in cases of purulent fusion of the prostate, trauma to the prostate gland, as well as complications of the inflammatory process with hyperplasia. Cure is complicated in this case (often surgical intervention is required).
Treatment should begin as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. If there were at least some seemingly insignificant urinary problems, which in some cases are accompanied by fever and pain in the area of simplicity, then you should immediately consult a urologist. Diagnosis. It is necessary to pay attention to the signs of pathology described above, since only with timely treatment it is possible to defeat prostatitis quickly and painlessly.
Why is the prostate gland inflamed?
In fact, there are only 2 main reasons:
- Infection. Most often, prostatitis develops precisely because of a prostate infection. Infection can occur through the bladder, urethra, rectum, blood, and lymph. It turns out that often prostatitis itself is a complication of an already existing disease. Therefore, never self-medicate, you must first cure the source of the infection. Cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, STIs (sexually transmitted infections) - this is understandable, they are directly related to the prostate. Untreated tonsillitis, sinusitis, the flu, or even caries can return inflammation of the prostate.
- Circulatory disorders. This can be caused by structural features and urinary spasm, impaired nerve conduction and work of the abdominal and pelvic muscles, as well as external factors.
However, whether or not prostatitis develops depends primarily on predisposing factors:
- Chaotic sex life. The abundance of sexual partners, especially unprotected contacts - it weakens the immune system, which must constantly meet the foreign microflora in a woman's secretion. And sooner or later fail.
- Prolonged abstinence. This is the second extreme. Lack of sex adversely affects the general condition of men and especially the prostate. Its secretion stagnates, blood circulation is disrupted, infection develops.
- Masturbation. It happens that men try to escape the lack of sex by masturbating. Although it causes a decrease in prostate tone, it becomes lethargic. It is isolated in a separate type of prostatitis - tuberculosis.
- Excess weight. In overweight men, the load on the pelvic organs, as well as on the whole body in general, increases significantly. The blood supply is disrupted, causing prostatitis, hemorrhoids and many other diseases.
- Hypothermia. "Do not sit in the cold, " all the girls are told. However, this also applies to men. At risk are extreme winter fun enthusiasts, avid fishermen, old car owners (oh, how often I see men jumping on cardboard under cars in winter), even icy train passengers, as well as fashion fans in rolled up pants and not. Hat. Yes, and urinating outside in the winter is also fraught with serious consequences.
- Inaction. Basically, it refers to the work process when you have to sit in one place for a long time: drivers, office workers. Crossing the legs is especially harmful because the load on the prostate only increases.
- ᲡTress. Psychological problems, chronic lack of sleep, busy work schedule are favorites for infections.
- Retention of urge to urinate. Is it worth the 5 minutes saved in a busy workflow on potential problems?
- ᲪCood habits. Well, where without them? Alcohol and nicotine abuse only breaks down.
- Wrong nutrition. Fatty, spicy, salty foods are a magnet for pelvic floor diseases.
- Background diseases. Any untreated infectious disease can be complicated by prostatitis.
- Tight underwear. Also "fashionable" overly narrow pants. They shrink the small pelvis, disrupt blood circulation, cause swelling and inflammation.
- Physical overload. At great risk are professional athletes, loaders, active guests of the gym.
- Self-medication. Sometimes men are ashamed to even admit their problems to a doctor, try to suppress the disease with various folk remedies, proven and not so good. However it happens that without the medication prescribed by a competent doctor you can not cope here.

How is the disease diagnosed?
The diagnosis is made by a urologist or andrologistAfter examining the patient, collecting the anamnesis and studying the symptoms. The doctor should find out the method of contraception of the patient, the presence of sexually transmitted infections of the sexual partner, the possibility of anal intercourse without a condom. These data facilitate diagnosis and guide the physician in thinking in the right direction. The onset of symptoms of the disease or the appointment of discomfort in the perineum allows us to judge the course and severity of prostatitis. The urologist must examine the patient's genitals and perform a rectal examination of the prostate. To do this, he inserts one finger into the patient’s anus and stretches the anterior wall of the rectum prostate. Pain and its size indicate the intensity of the inflammatory process.
The doctor then conducts a series of instrumental, microscopic, bacteriological, and immunological studies to determine the underlying cause of the disease. The most common diagnostic method is a urine sample with 4 or 3 cups. The first method is more time consuming and difficult to implement in practice because it requires the patient to intentionally stop urinating several times. The second modification is simpler: the patient urinates continuously in equal parts in three different containers. The first part deals with the condition of the urinary tract, the second with the pathology of the bladder and kidneys, the third with information about the condition of the prostate gland. All collected materials are examined under a microscope. During prostatitis, white blood cells and sometimes bacteria are found in the third part of the urine.
The secret of the prostate gland is also taken for the microscope.To do this, the doctor massages the prostate with the wall of the rectum for a certain period of time so that it empties into the urethra. The collected material is smeared in the laboratory, taken and studied under high magnification. The sign of inflammation is leukocytes, the bacterial etiology of the disease is bacteria in the smear. To determine the type of pathogen, the prostate secretion is sown in a nutritious environment. If there are pathogenic microorganisms in it, then after 3-5 days they form microbial colonies that can be studied. The bacteriological method allows to obtain data on the susceptibility of the microflora to antibiotics.
From instrumental diagnostic methods are conducted:
- Renal ultrasound;
- With TRUS Dopplerography of the prostate - for the best imaging of the prostate gland, an ultrasound probe is inserted into the rectum, in addition to assessing its blood flow;
- Ascending urethrography is necessary during persistent recurrent prostatitis. A radiopaque substance is injected into the urethra, after which a series of sequential images are obtained.
In addition to these methods, all types of research on STIs are of great importance. These include:
- PCR ejaculate, prostate secretion, scrap from urethral mucosa - method allows you to detect a wide range of pathogens;
- Blood ELISA - Detection of specific antibodies to STI pathogens.
Types of prostatitis
According to the 1995 National Institutes of Health (NIH USA) criteria, there are four categories of prostatitis:
- Category I: acute prostatitis;
- Category II: Chronic bacterial prostatitis;
- Category III: Chronic Prostatitis / Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP / CPPS);
- Category IIIa: Chronic prostatitis / Chronic pelvic pain syndrome with signs of inflammation;
- Category IIIb: Chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome without signs of inflammation;
- Category IV: Asymptomatic (asymptomatic) chronic prostatitis.
Chronic granulomatous prostatitis is sometimes seen, which is not mentioned in this classification.
For their part, most experts distinguish:
According to the course of the disease:
- Acute prostatitis;
- Chronic prostatitis;

Due to the causes of the disease:
- Bacterial prostatitis;
- Non-bacterial prostatitis
In most cases (especially in men under 40) bacterial prostatitis is observed.
Based on this there are:
- Acute bacterial prostatitis;
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis;
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis.
To prevent inflammation or recurrence of chronic pathology, you should follow the following recommendations:
- Reduce the amount of alcohol consumed;
- Do sports regularly;
- Avoid hypothermia;
- Შ Stop smoking;
- Avoid stressful situations;
- Treat inflammation in a timely manner - first of all, it concerns genital infections;
- Take a contrast shower;
- Avoid lifting heavy objects;
- Use barrier methods of contraception;
- Have sex regularly;
- Take vitamin supplements;
- Get involved in boosting immunity;
- Visit a urologist twice a year;
- Eat right and balanced.
The purpose of the prostate in the male body: What is it responsible for?
The prostate is an exocrine gland in the male body.
Iron belongs to the reproductive system and is responsible for the production of a number of specific substances:

- The key is secretion (prostate juice), which provides the necessary viscosity of the ejaculate and, consequently, the normal movement of sperm. When the sperm is too thick, fertilization is difficult and a woman simply cannot conceive from a seemingly healthy man;
- The other components maintain the normal composition of the sperm. These include biologically active substances, immunoglobulins, enzymes, vitamins, micronutrients, etc. Sh. The norms of these substances are individual and it is the prostate that regulates their content.
Thus, she is responsible for a man’s reproductive ability, regular and complete sexual life, and the ability to have children. This is the main function of the gland, but it is another, no less important.